What: The charter community is working to preserve the flexibility for charter school leaders to hire an administrative team, specifically ‘instructional administrators,’ that they believe meet the needs of the students and professionals in their buildings.
Why: We believe that there are individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences that could bring transferable skills to our schools. We believe in a broader vision for educational leadership—one that values diverse experiences and empowers individuals to lead with creativity, drive, and passion for students and staff alike.
How Can You Help:
We have all of the information you need, including potential wording that you can use for your comments in this Google Document.
Here is how you can send a personal note and request to your legislators:
FIND your legislators emails here:
State: Find My Legislator - Delaware General Assembly
Federal: Contact Delaware Senators (contactsenators.com)
Contact | U.S. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester (house.gov)
Subject: Please Come Visit MySchool – Support Our Charter Schools
1 – Give them Your Name, School Name, WHO you are to the school (Parent, Teacher, Board Member, Student)
2 – Ask them to come and visit your school to see for themselves how awesome it is! Have a specific event? Add the details and any links or email addresses for them to RSVP to. Don’t have a specific event? Offer a few dates and times where you can be there with them.
3 – Make sure to tell them WHY you chose a charter school (flexibility, mission – military / Montessori / arts /math & science, longer school day/ year, personalized approach, etc.)
The larger community needs to know that:
It's important to dispel the myths surrounding charter schools and communicate the benefits they offer.
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